Saturday, June 23, 2012

Patrick's Graduation

 Patrick graduated from the Freiherr-von-Stein-Schule! Eppstein's school only goes to 9th grade, then the students have to apply for high school's elsewhere. Patrick is excited that he was accepted to the technical high school in Hofheim for his final three years.

In line with his technical talents, Patrick was responsible for the lighting during the academic ceremony and the music during the entertainment portion. He was quite involved with the organization of the festivities all semester: designing the program and the tickets, setting up the slide show, even organizing cables, so people could watch the quarter-finals of the Europameisterschaft (Germany: Greece).  He was thanked at least three times during the ceremony and received a book from the school.

The theme was Las Vegas and he enjoyed working with one of the fathers, who made the lit-up "Welcome to Las Vegas" sign by pulling three all-nighters!

All of us attended with Omi, as the birthday guest of honor!

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